The Newly Crowned Ms Wheelchair California 2015 Hillary Marides

Thursday night August 20, 2015 I was crowned Ms Wheelchair California 2015 to succeed Dr Alette Coble Temple Ms Wheelchair America  2016. As Ms Wheelchair California 2015 my platform is less out of pocket medical costs for those affected by disabilities. Why is this important? When Obama Care was passed. People affected by disabilities didn’t get better health care.We got health care rationing! As a 50 year old disabled woman born with Cerebral Palsy. I have less access to health care than I did one year ago! When I was on fee for service Medi Cal and Medicare I could go to any doctor and any hospital that accepted medical/medicare. As a result I was forced to terminated my relationship with my gynecologist  of ten years because he doesn’t work out of the hospital on my health plan nor with my primary care doctor.  I can no longer see the orthopedist who did my hip surgery either because he works at yet another hospital not on my health plan. Many adults affected by disabilities in California find themselves in similar  situations.That’s  why this is important!

One thought on “The Newly Crowned Ms Wheelchair California 2015 Hillary Marides

  1. Elizabeth Rutledge

    This is truly really horrible and I had no idea. I am a fan of the affordable care act because it really will get people health insurance love never had it before. The long-term goal is that all of the hospitals that are now not excepting the affordable care act insurance will in the future. Now I know that waiting is not really an option for a lot of people! Has this been brought to the attention of anyone who controls how Obamacare works? If not, perhaps I should be the one to do that. I do not know how to do that but I can’t imagine that Obama actually agrees with this if he were to be personally confronted with it. Well, that’s the hope at least.

    Let me know more.

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